Translation and localization strategies for ESG
Translation | 30-05-2024
Traducciones de y hacia español, catalán, euskera y gallego
MÁS INFOEspecialistas en las ramas de ingeniería y ciencias de la salud
MÁS INFOCreación de corpus para identidad corporativa
MÁS INFORevisiones gramaticales y de estilo, subtitulado y doblaje
MÁS INFOLlevamos más de 20 años trabajando en el sector de la traducción, ayudando a empresas como la suya a hacer llegar su mensaje a su público objetivo, adaptándolo a la cultura y normativas del país correspondiente.
¿Podemos ayudarle?Translation | 30-05-2024
Company | 07-05-2024
We’ve been working with Nuadda for almost a year now, and it has been a very positive experience thus far. The Nuadda team is diligent, clearly focused on delivering the projects on time while offering great customer service. I hope we can continue to work together for a long time.
International Development and Operations
Special thanks for doing such a good job. This QA check went really fast considering the overall volume of this project.
Project Manager
Enssner Zeitgeist Translations GmbH
With this email I would like to thank you for our cooperation in the past few years. Today is my last day at L&L, as I will start at a new job (after my holiday). It was a pleasure working with you: you are very flexible, work fast you I’m also very satisfied with the quality you deliver, so keep up the good work!
L&L Documentation & Translation